Nov 25, 2019
Midlife brings grief in all flavors. Yes, death and loss of loved ones, but also in job loss, fading youth and vitality, heck – even losing your phone. Diana helps us understand how grief presents itself (it’s not always how we think), how to process and ultimately move through to find the gifts and deeper experiences. Having just lost my mother and my dog in last few days, every word she offered has been spot on.
For a better understanding of the Grief Wheel, please download a copy at: Get My Grief Wheel
Diana is a Daily Life Practice Consultant, Trainer, and is certified in Integrative Body Awareness, Hypnosis, Family Group Conferencing Facilitation, and Eye Movement Desensitization Retraining. She is also a licensed Marriage Family Therapist in the State of California since 1994.
Diana can be found at: Practice Living
She uses all this experience and expertise to teach classes in anger management, grief, self-esteem, effective listening skills, intrapersonal and interpersonal communication, meditation, problem solving, parenting skills, intimacy and others.